Источник: GAAP-IFRS.com
Дата публикации: 25 Января 2010 г.
Last Friday the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved a new law project in its first reading. The law introduces amendments to the Code of administrative violations – those provide a fine of 3-5 thousand rubles to be paid by officials for violations during checks of business entities. In case it is a repeated violation, 10-20 thousand will be paid.
The same law also provides a possibility to replace a fine levied on businesses with a warning. Entrepreneurs do not think that the amount to be paid by officials in case they do something wrong is that large to keep them away from inappropriate behavior during checks. As for those warnings – really, this wasn’t that necessary, but at least they are happy that the government is paying some attention to their problems.
The amendments to the Code of administrative violations were developed upon request of Russia’s first vice-prime minister Igor Shuvalov – so was the law already effective since last year’s July (on protection of rights of legal entities and private individuals during official supervisory checks). As Anna Popova explained, this one was developed to improve liability of officials that exercise supervision over business entities (Anna Popova is a deputy minister of economic development). The same project will also soften administrative pressure on businesses through broadening the list of possible actions to be implemented in their respect.
Source: «Gazeta»
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