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А  Б  В  Г  Д  Е  Ж  З  И  К  Л  М  Н  О  П  Р  С  Т  У  Ф  Х  Ц  Э  Ю  Ч 

Pre-production costs

Pre-production revenues

Predecessor auditor

Predetermined application rate

Premium deficiency


Prepaid expenses

Prepaid insurance


Present value

Present value of a defined benefit obligation


Presentation and disclosure

Price risk

Primary financial instrument

Principal auditor

Probabilistic approach

Probable reserves


Produce (agricultural)

Producing reserves

Product financial arrangement


Production cost

Production in kind

Production-sharing agreement (contract)

Professional conduct

Professional services


Profit and loss account

Profit before tax

Profit from operations

Profit oil

Project method

Projected benefit valuation method

Projected unit credit method


Property and casualty insurance

Property, plant and equipment

Proportionate consolidation

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