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Research and development costs

Reserve for warranty liability

Reserve recognition accounting (RRA)

Reserve replacement ratio (RRR)

Reserve-to-production ratio


Reserves behind the pipe

Reserves in place


Residual claim on total assets

Residual value (Salvage value)


Restoration costs


Retail method

Retained earnings

Retirement benefit plan


Retrospective application

Return of merchandise

Return on investment

Return on plan assets

Returns on equity securities (dividends)

Returns on loans (interest)


Revaluation reserve

Revaluation surplus

Revalued amount of an asset


Reversal of impairment loss

Reversal of temporary difference

Reverse acquisition

Reverse repurchase agreement

Review engagement

Reward associated with a leased asset

Reward associated with financial asset

Right to mine contract

Risk associated with a leased asset

Risk service contract (agreement)

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