The accrual or cash basis of accounting as defined in the accrual basis IPSASs and the Cash Basis IPSAS.
Правила учета по методу начисления или по кассовому...
The specific principles, bases, conventions, rules, and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.
Конкретные принципы, основы,...
A basis of accounting under which transactions and other events are recognized when they occur (and not only when cash or its equivalent is received or paid). Therefore, the transactions and events are recorded in the...
A market in which all the following conditions exist:
(a) The items traded within the market are homogeneous;
(b) Willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any...
(a) Experience adjustments (the effects of differences between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred); and
(b) The effects of changes in...
The management by an entity of the biological transformation and harvest of biological assets for:
• Sale;
• Distribution at no charge or for a nominal charge;...
The harvested product of the entity’s biological assets.
Продукт, являющийся результатом сбора продукции биологических активов...
The systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an intangible asset over its useful life.
Систематическое распределение амортизируемой стоимости...
amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability
The amount at which the financial asset or financial liability is measured at initial recognition minus principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between...
An approved budget for one year. It does not include published forward estimates or projections for periods beyond the budget period.
Утвержденный бюджет на один год. Он не...
An authorization granted by a legislative body to allocate funds for purposes specified by the legislature or similar authority
Разрешение законодательного органа на...
The expenditure authority derived from laws, appropriation bills, government ordinances, and other decisions related to the anticipated revenue or receipts for the budgetary period.
Полномочия на...
Resources controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits or service potential are expected to flow to the entity.
Ресурсы, контролируемые...
assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund
Assets (other than non-transferable financial instruments issued by the reporting entity) that:
(a) Are held by an entity (a fund) that is legally separate from the reporting entity and...
An entity, including an unincorporated entity such as a partnership, over which the investor has significant influence, and that is neither a controlled entity nor an interest in a joint venture.
available-for-sale financial assets
Those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available for sale or are not classified as
(a) loans and receivables,
(b) held-to-maturity...
A living animal or plant.
Животное или растение.
Comprises the processes of growth, degeneration, production, and procreation that cause qualitative or quantitative changes in a biological asset.
Включает процессы роста,...
Interest and other expenses incurred by an entity in connection with the borrowing of funds.
Проценты и прочие расходы, понесенные организацией в связи с...
The accrual, cash, or other basis of accounting adopted in the budget that has been approved by the legislative body.
Метод начисления, кассовый или иной метод учета,...
carrying amount (of investment property)
The amount at which an asset is recognized in the statement of financial position.
Стоимость, по которой актив отражается в балансе (отчете о финансовом...
carrying amount (of property, plant, and equipment)
The amount at which an asset is recognized after deducting any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
Стоимость, по которой актив отражается в...
carrying amount of a liability
The amount at which a liability is recognized in the statement of financial position.
Стоимость, по которой обязательство отражается в балансе (отчете о...
The amount at which an asset is recognized in the statement of financial position, after deducting any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses thereon.
Стоимость, по которой...
Comprises cash on hand and demand deposits.
Денежные средства в кассе и депозиты до востребования.
Short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant riskof changes in value.
Inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents.
Поступление и выбытие денежных средств и эквивалентов денежных средств.
Assets held with the primary objective of generating a commercial return.
Активы, генерирующие денежные средства.
The smallest identifiable group of assets held with the primary objective of generating a commercial return that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or...
An adjustment of the carrying amount of an asset or a liability, or the amount of the periodic consumption of an asset, that results from the assessment of the present status of, and expected future benefits and obligations...
class of property, plant, and equipment
A grouping of assets of a similar nature or function in an entity’s operations that is shown as a single item for the purpose of disclosure in the financial statements.
Группировка активов,...
close members of the family of an individual
Close relatives of the individual or members of the individual’s immediate family who can be expected to influence, or be influenced by, that individual in their dealings with the entity.
The spot exchange rate at the reporting date.
Текущий курс обмена валют на отчетную дату.
commencement of the lease term
The date from which the lessee is entitled to exercise its right to use the leased asset. It is the date of initial recognition of the lease (i.e., the recognition of the assets, liabilities, revenue, or expenses resulting from...
The actual amounts presented on the same accounting basis, same classification basis, for the same entities, and for the same period as the approved budget.
Фактические суммы,...
composite social security programs
Programs established by legislation, and
(a) Operate as multi-employer plans to provide post-employment benefits; as well as to
(b) Provide benefits that are not consideration in...conditions on transferred assets
Stipulations that specify that the future economic benefits or service potential embodied in the asset is required to be consumed by the recipient as specified or future economic benefits or service potential must be returned to...
consolidated financial statements
The financial statements of an economic entity presented as those of a single entity.
Финансовая отчетность группы организаций, представленная таким...
A contract, or a similar binding arrangement, specifically negotiated for the construction of an asset or a combination of assets that are closely interrelated or interdependent in terms of their design, technology, and function...
An obligation that derives from an entity’s actions where:
(a) By an established pattern of past practice, published policies, or a sufficiently specific current statement, the entity...
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