IAASB Seeks Views on Auditing Complex Financial Instruments

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has released a Consultation Paper seeking views on developing new fair value auditing guidance where it is most critical in today’s environment.

Russian FAS plans to discuss final version of rules for insurance pools

The rules for insurance pools are to be finalized by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. At first, insurers were a bit worried, expecting tough regulation. However, experts say that the final document won’t have that serious influence on the market because insurance pools are usually created not to limit competition, but mostly to covers large risks.

IFC discloses its plans of investments in Ukraine

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) – a member of the World Bank Group - plans to implement about 10 projects in the banking sector of Ukraine in financial year–2010 (which started already on July 1st and will end on June 30, 2010).

Capital outflow from Russia stalled

The Ministry for Economic Development awaits zero or even negative outflow of capital from Russia in October. This was announced by the ministry’s deputy chief Andrey Klepach.

APB issues updated Interim Guidance on Auditing Complex Financial Instruments

APB today issued an update of Practice Note (PN) 23 providing interim guidance for auditors on “Auditing Complex Financial Instruments”. An exposure draft of the updated PN 23 was issued for consultation in October 2008.

FRC publishes revised Guidance for Directors on Going Concern Assessments and Disclosures

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), the United Kingdom’s independent regulator responsible for promoting confidence in corporate reporting and governance, has published updated Guidance for directors of UK companies to assist them when making their assessment of going concern.

IFRSs and the accounting environment in Russia

Deloitte & Touche Regional Consulting Services Limited (Russia) has published Doing Business in Russia 2009 (PDF 2,330k, 80 pages). A section of that report examines the accounting environment in Russia.

ACCA experts see no serious support for any signs of the global economy’s recovery

Once again, experts of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) addressed leaders of the world’s developed countries, asking them not to confuse decrease of panic with real justification of the end to the global economic crisis (which isn’t the case).

“Russian Standard” decided to save on IFRS accountancy

The “Russian Standard” bank doesn’t plan to publish its half-yearly IFRS accountancy for the first 6 months of 2009, explaining this by the need to cut expenses. The bank has been issuing its half-yearly IFRS accounts since 2004, always audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

FASB Issues Proposed Accounting Standards Update Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815)

All entities that enter into contracts containing an embedded credit derivative feature related to the transfer of credit risk that is not only in the form of subordination of one financial instrument to another would be affected by the amendments in this proposed Update because the amendments would clarify that the embedded credit derivative scope exception in paragraph 815-15-15-9 does not apply to such contracts.

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