SEC to refocus on IFRS roadmap - official

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will make it a priority in the coming months to refocus on a proposed roadmap to move U.S. companies to international accounting standards, a top agency official said on Thursday.

SEC Votes on Measures to Further Strengthen Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies

The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to take several rulemaking actions to bolster oversight of credit ratings agencies by enhancing disclosure and improving the quality of credit ratings.

FFMS simplifies concessions

Yesterday the Federal Financial Markets Service published the law on accomplishment of infrastructure projects: for those, a separate company will be founded, the one that will later issue “infrastructure bonds”. Those will be accessible only by qualified investors. The government will act as a guarantor for those securities.

The Bank of Russia wants to introduce banking licenses for e-money operators

The Association of Russian Banks and the Central Bank of Russia want to make e-money operators acquire banking licenses. Bankers are sure that this will make electronic money transfers more transparent and accountable. Operators themselves think that tough overregulation will destroy national services of that kind, thus making users switch to western equivalents.

Findings of the Financial Reporting Review Panel in respect of the accounts of Supercart Plc for the year ended 31 December 2007

The Financial Reporting Review Panel (“the Panel”) has had under review the report and accounts of Supercart Plc (“the company”) for the year ended 31 December 2007. The auditors’ opinion on the accounts was qualified for disagreement in relation to non-compliance with IFRS 8 “Operating segments”.

FASB Issues Proposed Accounting Standards Update - Extractive Industries

The objective of this project is to align oil and gas reserve estimation and disclosure requirements of Extractive Industries – Oil and Gas (Topic 932) with the requirements in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s final rule Modernization of the Oil and Gas Reporting Requirements (the Final Rule).

Time to rethink anti-crisis programs - IMF

It is a bit early to think of scrapping anti-crisis programs - however, now it is time to get ready for gradual abandoning of those stimulation programs. The subject is discussed in the International Monetary Fund’s latest publication.

CB of Russia gradually abandoning anti-crisis measures

Step-by-step, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is closing regulatory gates that were opened for banks to assist them in crisis condition. This time, it is going to abandon unsecured credits that have been issued to banks.

Standard-setters’ fair value moves slammed

The ACCA has criticized the “lack of coordination” between the two main accounting standards-setters on what it says is a “vital new standard” on fair value.

OECD Issues Transfer Pricing Guidelines Updates

The 2009 edition of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (TPG), which has also just been published, incorporates an update of Chapter IV to reflect the latest developments in the area of dispute resolution as well as updates to the Foreword, Preface and Council Recommendation. It was released in time for the Conference on Transfer Pricing and Treaties in a Changing World.

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