Board Member Daniel L. Goelzer Named PCAOB Acting Chairman

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Member Daniel L. Goelzer today was named Acting Chairman of the PCAOB by the Securities and Exchange Commission, effective August 1, 2009.

The National Bank of Ukraine recommended to “save”

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) prohibited loss-making commercial banks to issue unsecured (“blank”) credits, to engage into operations with insiders which are related to provision of guarantees and issuing of new credits, to repurchase their own shares and to purchase non-government financial securities on their own accounts.

IFAC G20 Accountancy Summit Issues Renewed Mandate for Adoption of Global Standards

Governments and regulators need to step up initiatives to promote convergence to global accountancy and auditing standards-and they need to do so quickly-according to over 60 leaders of the accountancy profession who attended the International Federation of Accountants’ (IFAC’s) G20 Accountancy Summit on July 23 and 24 in London. The summit was organized to achieve consensus by the profession on a series of recommendations to be made to the G20 leaders prior to their meeting in September on issues related to the financial crisis.

NAUFOR wants FFMS to treat eurobonds as part of their capital

The National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR) plans to send a letter to the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS), asking the regulator to amend already effective (since July 1st) methodology to calculate the amount of internal (own) funds.

Transfer pricing will be under tax services’ control

Starting from 2010, transfer prices of Russian companies may be put under tax authorities’ close supervision. A set of amendments to the Internal Revenue Code was prepared by the Ministry for Economic Development and sent to the Ministry of Finance for further consideration. The concept was approved by the government’s committee, so further work on the project will go on as planned.

McCreevy’s European omission

The chasm which separates the International Accounting Standards Board and Europe has been exposed after EU commissioner Charlie McCreevy refused to sign documents which enshrine the values of international standard setting and underpins a key oversight body. The absent signature has led to a stand off between the IASB and the European Commission.

New IFAC Publication Explains How Better Costing Can Result in Better Management Decision-Making

The Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has released a new International Good Practice Guidance publication “Evaluating and Improving Costing in Organizations” which establishes six fundamental principles that can help professional accountants and their organizations to evaluate and improve their approach to costing.

IASB amends the retrospective application of IFRSs for first-time adopters

The amendments address the retrospective application of IFRSs to particular situations and are aimed at ensuring that entities applying IFRSs will not face undue cost or effort in the transition process.

The National Bank of Ukraine published recommendations for banks on how to choose auditors

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has published recommendations for commercial banks to follow while choosing auditors for audits of annual accountancy. Those were developed by the Bank’s committee on banking auditors (and officially agreed upon on July 20th).

Insurers will be tested for adequacy of insurance tariffs

The Federal Service for Insurance Supervision (aka “Rosstrakhnadzor”) plans to estimate adequacy of insurance tariffs charged by Russian companies. The regulator has recommended insurance companies to check their “adequacy” in advance and eliminate deviations from the existing legislation, if any.

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