Summary of the IASC Foundation Trustees meeting April 2007
The Trustees of the IASC Foundation, the oversight body of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), today released the summary and outcomes of their second meeting of the year, held in London on 2 and 3 April.
CESR consults on national GAAP IFRS equivalence
The Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) is seeking technical advice on a mechanism for determining the equivalence of the generally accepted accounting principles of non-EU countries with IFRSs.
Russian Bank for development finally approved
It was initially approved during its second reading, however, some ambiguities needed further clarifications.
FASB Issues an Exposure Draft to Improve the Accounting for Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today issued a proposal to improve the accounting for financial guarantee insurance contracts. The proposal, Accounting For Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts an Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 60, reduces diversity in practice and provides financial statement users with clearer, more comparable information and expanded disclosures.
Minfin prolongs PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit’s license
Despite of all its problems with authorities and actions taken by the arbitration court during the latest affairs, PwC chose to prolong its auditing license. For that, it filed an application form, for which a positive decision has been recently made by the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation.
Middle East needs representation on global standards board
The World Accounting Summit, which takes place at the Madinat Jumeirah, Mina A’Salam Hotel in Dubai on 26-30 May, will call for regional finance professionals to address interpretational issues.
Russian FAS harsh on collective dominance
It proposed a number of amendments to the 178th section of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation. Currently, it is the damage value which was taken by other market participants that is being penalized. Now FAS proposes a new scheme: facts of beneficiation against the law will be punished – now with even more severe measures.
The ACCA is now the largest international accountancy body in 47 countries, the association’s latest annual review reveals.
Tax amnesty in Russia: first results
Federal Treasury of Russia presented first results of the first month of ongoing tax amnesty. Unexpectedly, those who which to take the opportunity for legalization of their revenues are few in numbers.
Financial Instruments Working Group will meet in London on 25 and 26 April 2007
The IASB’s Financial Instruments Working Group will meet in London on 25 and 26 April 2007.
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