Курсы ACA
Обучение проводят:
- ATC International
- Fin-skil
- HOCK International
- HOCK Training
- Innovative Consulting Services Group (ICONS Group)
- Leading Ventures Associates
- Learn ACCA online
- London School of Business & Finance
- StarTrainings
- Tax Consulting U.K.
- Академия «Технологий Доверия»
- Академия бизнеса «Эрнст энд Янг»
- Академия народного хозяйства при Правительстве РФ
- АКГ «НалогиПравоАудит»
- Аль-Терра
- АНО ВПО «Международный банковский институт»
- АНХ при Правительстве РФ Факультет "Высшая школа финансов и менеджмента"
- Бизнес-школа SRC
- Высшая экономическая школа СПбГУЭФ (ВЭШ СПбГУЭФ)
- Головное представительство IAB и IFA в России ИПК «Постгрэдюэйт-РАУ»
- Институт внутренних аудиторов (НП «ИВА»)
- Институт делового администрирования и бизнеса Финакадемии
- Институт корпоративного управления и стратегических исследований РОССПА
- Институт повышения квалификации Аудиторской Палаты России
- Институт повышения квалификации ИКТ
- Институт развития современных образовательных технологий (ИРСОТ)
- ИОЦ "Северная столица"
- Консультационный и учебно-методический центр Аудиторской Палаты России
- Моё дело
- Московская международная высшая школа бизнеса «МИРБИС»
- НОУ «Институт финансового анализа и аудита»
- НОУ ВПО "Московская Высшая Школа Экономики-финансовый институт"
- НОУ УМЦ Российской Коллегии аудиторов
- ООО «Уральская консалтинговая группа»
- Открытая Школа Бизнеса
- Первый БИТ ДелаемПроекты.рф
- Русская Школа Управления
- Сергей Молчанов
- Учебный центр «ФИНКОНТ»
- Учебный центр 1С №1
- Учебный центр 1С №3
- Учебный Центр BDO в России
- Учебный центр ИСФМ
- Учебный центр СТЕК
- Финансовая академия «Актив»
- Центр Повышения Квалификации Первого Дома Консалтинга "Что делать Консалт"
- Центр Подготовки Налоговых Консультантов
- ЦНТИ "Прогресс"
- Экономико-правовая школа ФБК (ЭПШ ФБК)
- Юридическая фирма «КЛИФФ»
Программа предполагает получение диплома государственного образца о высшем образовании уровня магистра и возможности получения сертификата международного образца первой ступени профессиональной квалификации Ассоциированный дипломированный бухгалтер (Associated Chartered Accountant - ACA) международной ассоциации ICAEW.
Сертификат ICAEW международного образца в области финансов, бухгалтерского учета и бизнеса (ICAEW CFAB) – это первая ступень к получению квалификации Ассоциированный дипломированный бухгалтер (Associated Chartered Accountant – ACA) Сертификат ICAEW CFAB обеспечивает необходимые знания в шести ключевых областях: бизнес и финансы, право, управленческий и бухгалтерский учет, принципы налогообложения.
Квалификация АСА дает бизнес-преимущества для работодателей и студентов. ICAEW Сертификат в области финансов, бухгалтерского учета и бизнеса (CFAB) обеспечивает ключевые практические навыки и необходимые знания для сегодняшнего конкурентного мира бизнеса.
Ускоряющийся процесс глобализации бизнеса предъявляет к экономистам и финансистам новые требования, включая наличие международного сертификата уровня подготовки и членство в международных профессиональных сообществах. Знание международных стандартов финансовой отчетности, навыки финансового анализа, владение современным аналитическим инструментарием – требования международного стандарта подготовки высококвалифицированных финансистов.
Экономический факультет является аккредитованным центром ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales - Институт дипломированных бухгалтеров Англии и Уэльса) по подготовке магистров на получение Сертификата ICAEW CFAB.
Квалификация ACA Института дипломированных бухгалтеров Англии и Уэльса (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales – ICAEW) признана во всем мире одной из ведущих финансово-бухгалтерских квалификаций, обладающие такой квалификацией специалисты осуществляют свою деятельность более чем в 160 странах по всему миру.
Руководитель программы - старший преподаватель Любовь Шкромюк
ACA training in Russia
The ACA from ICAEW is internationally recognised as a premier financial business qualification in more than 160 countries around the world.
Who can study for the ACA?
We welcome university graduates on to the ACA programme; however your degree does not necessarily need to be in the field of business or finance. It can be a recognised degree in any discipline. Individuals with other professional qualifications or experience (such as ACCA, CIMA etc) can also study for the ACA from ICAEW.
However, if you are a high achiever who is in their final year before university graduation, it may be possible to register with ICAEW earlier. Please contact our student support helpline to discuss your circumstances.
In Russia, all students must take a two level English language test before being admitted onto the course.
There are two ways you can study for the ACA qualification.
- The most popular way is to study for the ACA under a training agreement with an organisation that is an ICAEW authorised training employer. This means that you can learn and earn at the same time.
- You can start to study for the ACA qualification as an 'independent student' however you cannot complete your studies (or qualify as an ACA) without completing an approved period of work experience (usually 450 days over a three year peroid). This can only be done if you are employed with an ICAEW authorised training employer and in an ACA training agreement.
Training opportunities
There are a growing number of organisations around the world that offer ACA training including accountancy practices, businesses, industry and government. Any organisation that offers ACA training opportunities will have met strict training criteria and will be authorised by ICAEW to train ACA students. This helps ensure support for our students wherever they train around the world.
Our careers site offers you support and advice on how to make the step from university to ACA training and beyond, explains your options and allows you to search for ACA training opportunities.
Russia Student Society (CCASS)
Student societies and networks organise a range of social, networking and work-related events throughout the year. There is a student society for ACA students in Russia.
What does the ACA look like for you?
The full ACA programme is available in Russia. It combines four essential elements: exams, practical work experience, professional development and ethics and professional scepticism. Together, these four elements give you the expertise and added-value skills that help define a chartered accountant. You must successfully complete all four elements to qualify as an ACA and become a member of ICAEW.
Steps to completing your ACA training
Step 1: Register with ICAEW
Step 2: Exams and credit for prior learning (exam exemptions)
Step 3: Practical work experience (PWE)
Step 4: Professional development (PD)
Step 5: Ethics and Professional Scepticism
Step 6: Apply for ICAEW membership
Who can study for the ACA?
We welcome university graduates on to the ACA programme; however your degree does not necessarily need to be in the field of business or finance. It can be a recognised degree in any discipline. Individuals with other professional qualifications or experience (such as ACCA, CIMA etc) can also study for the ACA from ICAEW.
However, if you are a high achiever who is in their final year before university graduation, it may be possible to register with ICAEW earlier. Please contact our student support helpline to discuss your circumstances.
In Russia, all students must take a two level English language test before being admitted onto the course.
There are two ways you can study for the ACA qualification.
- The most popular way is to study for the ACA under a training agreement with an organisation that is an ICAEW authorised training employer. This means that you can learn and earn at the same time.
- You can start to study for the ACA qualification as an 'independent student' however you cannot complete your studies (or qualify as an ACA) without completing an approved period of work experience (usually 450 days over a three year peroid). This can only be done if you are employed with an ICAEW authorised training employer and in an ACA training agreement.
Training opportunities
There are a growing number of organisations around the world that offer ACA training including accountancy practices, businesses, industry and government. Any organisation that offers ACA training opportunities will have met strict training criteria and will be authorised by ICAEW to train ACA students. This helps ensure support for our students wherever they train around the world.
Our careers site offers you support and advice on how to make the step from university to ACA training and beyond, explains your options and allows you to search for ACA training opportunities.
Russia Student Society (CCASS)
Student societies and networks organise a range of social, networking and work-related events throughout the year. There is a student society for ACA students in Russia.
What does the ACA look like for you?
The full ACA programme is available in Russia. It combines four essential elements: exams, practical work experience, professional development and ethics and professional scepticism. Together, these four elements give you the expertise and added-value skills that help define a chartered accountant. You must successfully complete all four elements to qualify as an ACA and become a member of ICAEW.
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