New IAESB Exposure Draft Focuses on Clarifying Accounting Education Standards

The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) approved a new exposure draft (ED) that includes recommendations to help improve the clarity of International Education Standards. Comments on this new ED “Explanatory Memorandum on IAESB Drafting Conventions” are invited by May 29, 2009.

APB Issues a revision of ISA (UK and Ireland) 700 “The Auditor’s Report on financial statements”

The Auditing Practices Board (APB) has today published ISA (UK and Ireland) 700 (Revised) “The Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements” in order to facilitate a more concise auditor’s report.

Russian banks don’t meet the “going concern” concept, auditors say

Result of audit checks of banking financial accountancy for the previous accounting period (2008) indicate that each fifth commercial bank in Russia may receive a negative audit report – and doubts in ability to continue its business. Negative reports will accelerate bankers’ drift to the “dark side” of the market for banking services.

Bank of Russia plans to increase banking capital with federal bonds

Russia’s government is looking for alternative ways to increase banking capital which is being drained because of the financial crisis. Yesterday the CB’s first deputy Alexei Ulykaev announced that the regulator wouldn’t mind if capital was increased with the government’s financial securities. “Under certain conditions, we’ll be able to recover tier-1 capital out of those securities” – he said at the conference with the Association of regional banks.

EFRAG and European national standard-setters publish a discussion paper on Performance Reporting

Performance reporting is a fundamental issue for users of financial statements. EFRAG and the national standard-setters of Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK have today issued a discussion paper under the PAAinE initiative that explores and encourages debate on some key performance reporting issues. Comments on the paper are invited by 30 September 2009.

IASB and FASB announce further steps in response to global financial crisis

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today announced further steps in response to the global financial crisis following their joint board meeting held in London on 23 and 24 March 2009.

Minfin proposes a new system of guarantee funds for insurers

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation intends to introduce a new system of guarantee funds for unreliable insurers. According to one of two alternative versions of the project under consideration, the government will act as a regulator (that is, carry regulatory functions); the other version deals with mutual insurance. Some of the insurance market participants proposed to discuss possible creation of a state-controlled reinsurance company.

FFMS introduces prudential supervision

The Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) plans to introduce a new law project on prudential (which means, the one that limits risks) supervision over professional market participants – announced its chairman Vladimir Milovidov yesterday.

Audit Committees Change Oversight

About 89 percent of the 150 audit committee members at a recent KPMG conference said that the financial crisis had caused their company’s board or audit committee to change the nature and scope of its oversight.

FRC to review the Combined Code

The Financial Reporting Council today announced a review of the impact of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance, which sets out best practice corporate governance standards for UK listed companies.

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