Liechtenstein is no longer a tax heaven
According to the official pronouncement, the government of Liechtenstein has agreed to cooperate with the Organization for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) in its continuous struggle against tax avoidance. Consequently, the country is no longer an offshore zone (a “tax heaven”). It is possible that the initiative stems from the Paris meeting with the OECD’s representatives in October 2008.
IFAC Publishes Quality Control Implementation Guide for SMPs
This non-authoritative implementation guide is intended to help SMPs understand and efficiently apply International Standard on Quality Control (ISQC) 1 “Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements, and Other Assurance and Related Services”, as redrafted under the IAASB’s Clarity Project.
APB issues a Bulletin containing Illustrative examples of Charity Auditor Reports
The Auditing Practices Board (APB) has today issued Bulletin 2009/1 which supplements the guidance contained in Practice Note 11: “The Audit of Charities in the UK” by providing illustrative examples of auditor’s reports for charities.
Russia’s government is working on amendments which will allow companies to repay debts by issuing new shares. This means that companies on default will solve their problems with creditors, at the same time losing some certain share in their capital (and, possibly, independence). Those innovations will simplify acquisition procedures.
Crisis will peak at the very end of the year, or even later - Alexei Kudrin
In his interview to British “BBC” Russian finance minister Alexei Kudrin predicted that the current financial crisis would likely peak at the end of the year (or even at the beginning of 2010) – not in the middle, as it had been expected earlier. He expects more problems and slower recovery, which is why it is unlikely that Russia will be out of the recession in less than three years.
Early Adoption of IFRS Appears Unlikely
Many financial executives in the U.S. have begun the initial stages of convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards at their companies, but early adoption in 2009 for qualifying companies will be difficult, if not impossible, due to the significant time requirements, according to a new report.
APB issues a Consultation Paper and Exposure Draft of Amendments to Ethical Standards for Auditors
The Auditing Practices Board (APB) updated its Ethical Standards for Auditors (ESs) in 2008. When revising the ESs, APB identified a small number of issues where further work and dialogue was needed.
Americans want largest banks to go bankrupt
According to internet survey by CNN, most Americans support republicans and think that it would be even better if largest US banks in trouble went bankrupt – it would be better than to spend taxpayer’s money on their bail outs.
Russia proposes bankruptcy procedure for private individuals
Russian lawmakers are discussing introduction of bankruptcy procedures for private individuals. Last Friday Victor Pleskachevsky said that approval of the law would be very relevant in today’s crisis conditions. However, it appears that banks are not ready yet and strongly oppose its introduction.
BAS publishes Exposure Draft of Actuarial Reporting Standard
As part of its project to develop new actuarial standards, the Board for Actuarial Standards (BAS) has today published an exposure draft of a standard for reporting.
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