Articles on audit and assurance, IASs.

Management accounting, company's management, top-managers and their remuneration, internal controls, strategic manegement... Everything what's related to management is in here.

IFRS and GAAP, GAAP and IFRS - that's the core of our (and, hopefully, yours) interests. International accounting standards, US GAAP, you name it.

Articles on banking business, including application of international (and other) financial reporting standards in banking entities.

Taxation is important. In some countries like Russia, tax accounting goes even ahead of financial accounting. In other counties, it is the other way, but different accounting regimes in different countries (including "tax heavens") is what worries financial experts pretty much. If it goes with "tax" - you find it here.

In this very section we poudly present analytical materials from our familiar experts which would like to share their knowledge and experience with the visitors of Everybody's welcome! Alexander Kurnikov,